A New Temple

Hey, y’all, it’s Daisy. Today, I am on cloud nine. And we are on the “Encountering The Father” page of our Alone With God journal. Daisy, why are you on cloud nine? Because as I was doing the "Encountering the Father" page of our Alone With God journal, I just kept thinking, wow, I can’t believe that God loves me so much that he is just constantly showing me that he is present and that he is ever-present. He is in the details of my day-to-day life, and it just – I’m not going to cry, but it about moves me to tears. (Maybe I will cry. But after I record this, of course.)

This is the part of the journal where we just look back at our week and we see where and how we have encountered God. How He is shaping us, what he is telling us, what patterns are repeating in our writing. And as always, if you don’t have our Alone With God journal and you would like to get one, this is the most transformative tool that you will ever use in your walk with God. I can say that so confidently. It’s such a personal journal. I’m just totally in love with it. So, you can get yours at wordbymail.com. Let’s begin.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

So, I have really been working on my relationship with my health and food. That was a big goal for me at the end of 2023 and going into 2024. I just did 75 Hard. And if you don’t know what that is, essentially, it’s cutting out sugar, cutting out bread, all the fun stuff, limiting screen time, choosing a book over scrolling through social media. It’s just to get you to refine your lifestyle and your habits.

So, I have really been working on that because I had a horrible eating disorder growing up. And food felt like the only thing that I could control. And what I didn’t realize was that this need for control was me trying to take God’s job away from him. I guess the same way that AI is trying to take our jobs away from us. That’s not fair.

So, God has really been renewing and transforming my mind, especially these last couple of months. And it has just given me such a different appreciation for food and my body, how I speak to myself, and how I pray over my food. How I treat myself physically. And through these changes that I’ve made, I really feel a difference. It’s almost as if God is building himself a new temple with my body. And it’s made me realize that God is a God who renews and who redeems. He doesn’t just tear the old version of us down and just leave us in scraps. He truly remodels us into something more beautiful and more solid than ever before.

And so, I’m just really thankful today as I reflect to be actively experiencing this transformation. And even though it’s been painful at times, I’m just really grateful for it. As I look back over the last couple of weeks and couple of months, I can see how God started this work in me and how he has diligently kept me on track. One of the perks of the journal is getting to track your progress and it really does make God so real.

Let’s pray. Jesus, thank you for changing me. Thank you for changing me from the inside out. God, thank you for making me a new creation in Christ. Thank you for pouring your love into me in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Thank you for healing my mind and my body, as you have started a fire in my soul. Help me to join with you with all that I am and all that I have. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Tomorrow we look at the "What am I Grateful For This Week?" page of our Alone With God journal. Take some time, maybe sit with a "cuppa" and be with God in praise and thanksgiving. Write that in your journal.

And then, for Sunday, bring your journal to church with you to take some notes. If you're unable to get to church, or you are following along, we invite you to join us in the Mark series for the seventh message titled, "Don't Be a Pharisee." This is a great series and an excellent message - don't miss it.

Be blessed as you go about your weekend and lean into God and all that he has for you. What an awesome time of transformation! We will see you on Monday.  

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A-Month01-Week01 A-Month01-Week1 Abundant Life Acceptance Agape Alone With God Journal Guide Alone With God Anxiety Authority Avoidance Awe Baptism Becoming a Disciple Blessings Body of Christ Christ's strength Christmas Colossians Come boldly Come to Me Comfort Commit Community Compassion Confidence Courage Cross Daily Journal Dave Shepardson Decisions Delight Demonic Devos Devotions Devo Discipleship Emotions Encountering The Father Encouragement Ephesians 3:20-21 Eternity Faithfulness Faith Fear Fellowship with God Forgiveness Friend of God Generation God Cares God Knows God's Provision Gods Love Gods Will Good Friday Grace Gratitude Grow Guided Journal High Priest Holy Spirit Honesty Hope Humanity of Jesus Identified with sinners Image of Christ Imperfection Intercession Jesus Christ Jesus Journal Guide Judgment Knowing God Lamb of God Life Decision Love Made by God Memorials Mercy Miracles Month01-Week01 Month01-Week02 Month01-Week03 Month01Week1 My Daily Church Nation Obedience Offering Overwhelmed Passion Week Patience Patient Endurance Peace Perfection Philippians 4:6-9 Power Prayer Pride Purpose Rejoice Relationship Resolution Rest Resurrection Salvation Savior Seasons of Life Serve God Spiritual Warfare Test-test Testimony Thankfulness The Great Commission The Name of Jesus This Week Thought Life Throne of God Transformation Trials Triumphal Entry Trust Truth Upper Room Discourse Values Victory in God Wait on God What Am I Grateful For? Who Jesus IS Wilderness Wisdom Worship anger brokenness circumstances discipline faithful in prayer hard times healing joy money praise promises self surrender temptation thanksgiving unanswered prayer unfailing love