The Early Church

Acts 2:42-47

Message #13

Have you heard these “seemingly” spiritual comments? “I love Jesus – but I hate religion.” “I love Jesus – but I hate the Church.” Regarding religion, these comments are probably referring more to the Pharisee type religion. Regarding the Church, these comments are probably referring more to that man-made institution where Jesus is not in charge.

Here’s the problem. It puts across an angry, embattled attitude. Yes, there are real problems with institutions and organizations that we generalize by calling “The Church.” But Jesus loves the real Church. Jesus died for the Church, and his only plan to make Disciples of all nations – is the Church.

There’s a young, hip rapper who put a very cool video on YouTube called “Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus.” The video went viral and now has over twenty-five million views. This rap artist has now become a spiritual teacher, speaker, and mega-book writer, all launched by viral video YouTube fame. The Number one reason this guy is now a superstar is because of how many people resonate with his now-famous line, “I hate religion, but I love Jesus.”

The problem is so many of his followers apply his words to something he didn’t really mean with his catchline. His insinuation (though he clearly says it was not his intention) is it’s okay to hate the Church, and people love to hate the Church. Some people think it makes them sound super spiritual to say, “I love Jesus – but I won’t have anything to do with the Church.”

Again, I’m the first to acknowledge there are some very real problems with the institution people mistakenly call the Church. But, what did Jesus call the Church? He called it his Bride, and so these people are saying, “Hey, Jesus, I love you, but I hate your Bride.” The Bible calls the Church God’s Children, and so these people are saying, “Hey, God, I love you, but I hate your children.” Try telling a husband and father (not me), “Hey, I like you, but I hate your wife, and I hate your kids.” See how that goes. God says in his Word the Church is his Royal Priesthood, his Holy Nation, his Own Possession. And if you would really look at what the Bible says about the Church, you might re-think hating it.

But then these people would say, “Well, I don’t mean that. I just hate the people in the church.” But, the Greek word for Church is “ECCLESIA” it means literally, “the called out ones.” (ones who’ve been saved) And so, those people that you hate… those people are the Bride of Christ. They are the Body of Christ. They are God’s Own Possession.

I know there are a lot of problems when sinners gather together. I know there’s a gaping crevasse between what the Bible calls the Church and what some institutions have become. But we cannot lump them all together and say, “I love Jesus – but not his Church” because that is one hundred percent anti-biblical and anti-Christ.

The truth is, God is using his Church around the world to save sinners and transform lives, and God has called you to be part of his Church, part of his Body, his Bride, his Holy People, his Royal Priesthood, his family.

We’ve said for the last two messages God’s only plan to reach the world with the Great Commission – is the Church, and God has given us his life and the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish his plan in us and through us. But it is in us and through us – together. There’s no Church of one in the Bible. We’ve been made by God as a Body to live and function together in unity. And the goal of the Church is to bring God glory and accomplish his plan and his purpose – together.

After the Resurrection, Jesus gave the Great Commission to all Disciples (you and me included). Then, he told us to wait – wait until the power of the Holy Spirit has come upon you so that you can be my witnesses to carry out the Great Commission. And then, in Acts Chapter 2, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the one hundred and twenty Disciples in the Upper Room, and what we call “The Church Age” formally began. The power of the Holy Spirit falling on the Disciples drew the people. Peter delivered the first message of the New Testament Church, and about three thousand souls were added to the Church on the first day. This is the beginning of the Church – the Bride and Body of Christ.

And how was this new Church designed by God? What did it look like? Well, the very first verses after those initial three thousand were added perfectly explain how God designed the Church to function.

Acts 2:42–47 (ESV)
42 And they 
(the brand new Church) devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common.
45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.
46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

What an incredible picture of the way God designed the Church to function. In verse 42, there are four things the Church was designed to be devoted to, not to mention the great truths in the following verses.

First – we are to be devoted to the Apostle’s Teaching

For us, that’s the Bible. We’re to be devoted to the teaching of the Bible, not our own opinion, not our own desire – the actual teaching of the Bible. Often when a person is lovingly encouraged to actually be devoted to the teaching of the Bible. That’s exactly when they get angry and start saying they love Jesus but hate the Church because that sounds so much more spiritual than saying, I refuse to accept the teaching of God’s Word. So, first, we are designed to be devoted to the teaching of the Bible.

Second – we are to be devoted to Fellowship

This word is KOINONIA. It means, most literally, “to have in common.”
It means – “sharing life in common”
It means – “an intimate association with others”

The word is used most of marriage and the Church! It means we’ve been made to share life together. We’re here to live the Life of Christ in common – in Koinonia. The word fellowship means so much more than the social activities of the Church. It means our lives are knit together in common, for a common good, for HIS good, not our own – and we are called to share that life together all the more as we see the Day of the Lord drawing near.

Hebrews 10:24–25 (ESV)
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

That is what the Church is designed to do stirring up one another to love and good works not neglecting to meet together and encouraging one another

Third – we are to be devoted to the Breaking of Bread

This phrase can refer to either The Lord’s Supper (communion) – or actually sharing full meals together. Most scholars believe it refers to both because in the early Church, what we call communion was often part of a larger “love feast,” which we would call a “potluck.” But it was never intended to be a social party. Both taking communion together and eating together are designed to show our unity together in Christ. In taking communion together, we share in remembering and proclaiming the life of Jesus – together, and then in eating together, we share life – together. In the Middle East, the act of eating together (especially from the same dish) is a sign that we share the same life together!

But now, wait a minute. It seems like fellowship and breaking of bread are pretty similar. Two out of the four primary practices of the early Church are about unity and sharing life in common. Fifty percent of what the early Church was directed to do is about living in unity and oneness – sharing one life in common. Why do you think one-half of what the early Church did instructs us to live in unity and oneness in Christ? Is there a chance that God knew that this is where the enemy would work most effectively to try to dismantle the Church?

And so, we have on the front end, being devoted to the Bible, and then a double commitment to living together in unity with each other and with Jesus Christ.

Fourth – we are to be devoted to Prayer

Francis Chan says, To say that prayer was important to the early Church would be a gross understatement.

Prayer was critically central to all the early Church did. They were completely dependent on being in constant communion with God because it was through their dependence in prayer that all their strength, peace, and direction came. They knew that their only hope was to be in constant communion with God in prayer, and maybe that’s the problem for us today. It’s not that often I find a Christian who’s truly, completely dependent on being in constant communion with God because we’ve been trained to be the opposite of dependent. We know what we want. We know how things should be. We know what others should be doing for us. And it’s hard for us to become truly dependent on being in constant communion with God. From what I see, the number one way a Christian learns to be truly dependent on constant communion with God is – hard trials. It doesn’t have to be that way. But in-dependence must be broken so that we can (together) become de-pendent on God in prayer.

And praise the Lord, this type of prayer is happening more and more right here in our prayer ministry. Why? Because God brought a leader who’s been crushed by trials in this life, and the only way he’s serving God today is because of his complete dependence on being in constant communion with God in prayer, and we can learn a lot from him.

And so – Being a PART of the Church Jesus Began - LOOKS like THIS:
We’ll be Devoted to God’s teaching in the Bible
We’ll be Devoted to sharing life in Common with one another
We’ll be Devoted to COMMUNION with Jesus and one another and
We’ll be Devoted to DEPENDENCE on God in Prayer – Together

So, that’s one verse here (Acts 2:42), and the other verses are just as powerful. So, let’s re-read them.

Acts 2:42–47 (ESV)
43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
44 And all who believed were together
(unity) and had all things in common. (again a reference to Koinonia)
45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 
(radical giving)
46 And day by day, attending the temple together 
(they actually went to church) and breaking bread in their homes (also gathered in their homes), they received their food with glad and generous hearts (they had thankful and generous hearts),
47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Wow! What an incredible start for the Church, and what a perfect example for us to follow. But what happened as the remainder of the New Testament was written? Problems developed in the Church, didn’t they? Most of the letters in the New Testament were written to specifically address some problem in one of the churches. And do we have these exact same problems in the Church today? And did God know the Church was going to have these problems? And did God still call each of us to be an active, functioning part of the Church? Yes!


Because even with all our problems, the Church is still the Body of Christ on earth. Ephesians 2 verse 21 says we are being joined together into a holy temple in the Lord. And verse 22 says, we are being built together into a dwelling place for God.

So, if you are choosing to not be a part of the Body of Christ, to not be a part of the temple of the Holy Spirit, to not be a part of God’s royal priesthood – his holy nation – aren’t you really choosing to not be a part of Christ himself? If you are doing that, I’d strongly encourage you to reconsider.

Okay, where else can we get good Biblical direction on how we are to be part of the Body of Christ? Here are three scriptures – write them down, study them, deal with God on them, and either accept God’s Word or accept the fact that you are rejecting God’s Word.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Romans 12:3-13
Ephesians 4:11-16

Read – Study – Meditate – Journal – Wrestle with God

But in the end, please choose God’s way and truly become a functioning part of his Body on earth because it is the only design God offers for you to be part of his plan and his purpose.

Finally, what about all those terrible church leaders we all get so mad at?

First – let me say:
Church leaders make mistakes – just like you do
They are real people – Following Jesus – just like you are
They are not perfect – just like you are not

I’ve had church leaders make mistakes in leading me, and I’ve made mistakes as a church leader in leading others. I understand leaders make mistakes. But God has no other plan but to use imperfect sinners to lead his Church, though God holds leaders to very high moral standards.

Here, at Calvary Chapel Nuevo, we follow a very biblical model of group elder oversight of the Flock of God. This biblical model, we believe, best addresses the imperfect sinner leadership issues. We have five elders who have together accepted the responsibility to care for this Flock of God. We know whose flock this is, and we genuinely tremble at caring for this flock on behalf of Jesus Christ. Today I serve with four elders who are the most genuine, humble, broken men I have ever served with. There is not a personal agenda or a desire for position or power in any one of these men. We genuinely want to lead you on behalf of Christ to grow in your faith.

As Ephesians 4:15 (ESV) says (speaking of leadership), 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, and we agonize over how to speak the truth to you in love So that we may all grow up IN EVERY WAY into Him who is the Head, into Christ.

But very often, even though we do all we can (being controlled by the Spirit) to speak the truth in love to a person, that person still gets very angry and immediately starts telling others how terrible we are in order for them to feel some type of support of their position.

And I can’t tell you how many people I know who’ve left church and developed that “I love Jesus but hate the Church” attitude because God wanted to transform them. He wanted them to grow up in a certain area, and God used a Church leader to give them that opportunity. But instead, they chose to reject what God was trying to do in their life, and instead, they run off to try to find another place where they can avoid growing in that area. And the spiritual growth of the majority of these people gets put on pause while they are nursing their pride. I know – because I have been one of those people, and I’m trying very hard right now to speak that truth in love.

Listen, please. If you are saved today, it is in order for you to be part of the Body of Christ. You have been redeemed to be used by God in his Great Plan of Redemption. But God’s only plan involves you being part of his Body, part of his Royal Priesthood, his Holy Nation, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Bride of Christ. All those titles speak of the Church. That imperfect Church – full of sinners being transformed and loved and empowered by God… we are the Church. Don’t get duped by the devil’s scheme to separate you from the Body of Christ.

Learn from the lion in Africa. The lion first separates one from the herd and then rips its guts out and devours it.

1 Peter 5:8 (NLT)
8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

Don’t so easily become his prey – be part of God’s Church.

And don’t worry, we’re just like you… imperfect, mistake-making sinners being transformed by God’s grace. Come on in – you’ll fit perfectly.