Becoming a Disciple

Learn how to have life-transforming daily devotion time.

Matthew 28:18

Jesus began the Great Commission by stating his authority. Why?

Matthew 28:19

What is the difference between a Disciple and a Christian? 

3. Go!

Matthew 28:19

Jesus said, "Go..."

Matthew 28:19

What does Jesus mean by "baptize?" And why is baptism so central to becoming a Disciple?

Matthew 28:20

What is the ultimate sign of our love for Jesus?

John 17:6-19

Looking at the life of Jesus, how are we to go about making Disciples?

Ecclesiastes 4:12

What are the necessary conditions to create an atmosphere of transforming discipleship growth?

John 14:15-27

Jesus begins the Great Commission with a promise of his authority and ends it with a promise of his presence.