Disciples Making Disciples

Matthew 28:18-20

The title of the message is Disciples Making Disciples. The first year when God first captivated my heart, the young adult study I was a part of was so focused on this. Disciples Making Disciples Who Make Disciples, for the glory of God. This is a message that God has engrained in my heart.

New Year’s Day is a day typically when people set resolutions for themselves (for about the next fifteen days of their lives). But today is different. Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions or goals for ourselves as a church, we’re going to be reminding ourselves what God has commissioned for us as a church to do. Part of that is the Great Commission. And that is to make disciples, that make disciples in ensuring that as a church, we are raising up the next generation for the sole purpose of bringing all the glory to God.

Today, we’ll be in Matthew 28, verses 18-20. Leading up to this section of verses, Jesus Christ rises from the dead, his Resurrection. Both of the Mary’s seeing an angel, seeing the empty tomb and being sent out to tell the Disciples that Jesus has risen. And while on the way, Jesus appears to them to remind them to not be afraid. The religious leaders bribe the soldier to spread lies about Jesus being resurrected. Finally, now Jesus sends his Disciples back to Galilee, where he will commission them.

Matthew 28:18 (NLT)
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

All/complete power and authority… You see, Jesus is reminding his Disciples of who he is. Jesus is getting his Disciples ready for something that defines not only their lives but defines a part of this church. He’s getting them ready for an absolute and irrefutable command to go and make disciples that make disciples.

Replace “his Disciples” with your name. Jesus is telling me, Justo, you, us, that he has all authority both in Heaven and earth. You need to do that with certain sections of scripture so that it comes alive and becomes personal to you. You can say, “That commission wasn’t just for the Disciples that were there are whoever else was present, but that commission was for me as a believer.”

Philippians 2:9-11 (NLT)
9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

As a Christian, as a young man, I need to be reminded of the complete authority my Commander has. I need to be reminded of his complete authority so that I walk in boldness while growing not only as a disciple myself but as a person that God can use to make other disciples for the purpose of bringing glory to Jesus Christ.

Do you need to be reminded of that this morning? That we serve Jesus, who doesn’t have a portion or a percentage of power but has absolute authority and power.

We don’t need to have the power ourselves; we don’t need to have the authority ourselves. We don’t need to have the strength ourselves – in order to make disciples. God, you have it, I serve you, and I operate under you. And that’s why I have the power. That’s why I have the authority. That’s why I have the strength.

Just like Pastor Dave was saying in his prayer, the only reason we are able to hold on to God is because he isn’t letting go. The only reason we’re still walking with God, the only reason I am still standing today, and the only reason you’re here on New Year’s Day is because God is not letting go.

But to give a little bit of a different background, I’m going to read a verse. And this dialogue is between Paul. He is one of the key guys that God uses to do a lot for his Kingdom and to write a lot of the New Testament. And in this dialogue, Paul is praying to God to take away this thorn in his flesh. And in the Bible, Paul mentions a thorn on his flesh multiple times. And I am not a hundred percent sure what that was, but he asked three times. He said, “Lord, take this away from me.” I don’t want this.

Look at the Lord’s reply in 2 Corinthians 12, verse 9. “… My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Paul then writes, So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

Now we can rejoice in our weaknesses and come to the end of ourselves and say, “Lord, although I’m weak, use me to be a disciple who makes disciples while bringing glory to your name.” Embrace that weakness because that weakness reminds us that we also only need his grace. Boast about your weakness so that the power of Christ can work through you as you make disciples.

Matthew 28:19 (NLT)
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, “GO” – it wasn’t a suggestion or “if you want to.”

For example, it’s as if the highest-ranking officer commanded the lowest-ranked soldier in the army with a duty. We know that the job would get done because of the absolute power the officer has over the soldier. But this power in the hands of Jesus is perfect, and we are his lowest-ranking soldiers that Jesus has commanded to carry out his Great Commission. This morning, what I am trying not to do is guilt trip you into having to go and make disciples or be a disciple that makes disciples.

What I am trying to do is stand with you and say, “Man. Again, what a privilege. What amazing grace. What a Wonderful Counselor. What a wonderful God I have that he allows me to declare his name. That he allows me to be more and more conformed to his image. That he has left a treasure, but for me to read and get to know him and raise other people to get to know him as well.”

You see, he said “Go” to his Disciples, who were a bunch of imperfect men. Just like he commands us to “Go,” a bunch of imperfect people with flaws and weaknesses, insecurities, anxiety, and depression. He said, “Go and make disciples; my grace is all you need.”

A disciple is a student, someone who learns, someone that follows his teacher so closely that they become like him. There is no distinction between a Christian to a disciple. What this means is this. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, it begins a season that will last a lifetime of us saying, “Lord, I desire to learn from you. And Lord, as I become a student of your Living Word, use me to teach others about you, Jesus.” That is being a disciple who makes disciples. God allows you this opportunity, and he directs it as he wishes. He directs it as he pleases. All he said is, “Go.” You’re not in charge; it’s not your burden to save anyone. But if God tugs on your heart to go and share the gospel with someone, he’s declared you worthy of declaring his name, and that is a privilege.

In the past two weeks, the Active Youth ministry has been moving in the direction of taking Jesus outside of these two doors. Two weeks ago, we started practicing how to share the gospel with each other. And seeing them wrestle in verbalizing who Jesus is has been amazing. God is on the move!

So, hold on! I believe God is setting our sails. God is meant to go beyond these walls. God is starting to do this in the youth and in this church, saying, “I am so much bigger than just this room.”

How do we take part in the Great Commission? If you’re working on a construction site, you can learn to be a disciple that makes disciples on the job site. If you’re working in an office, you can learn to be a disciple that makes disciples in the office. If you’re working on being a parent, you can learn to be a disciple that makes disciples by the way Jesus has called you to live your life and raise your children. If you’re a young adult or a youth, ask Jesus to use you like he used Timothy or Titus to be young disciples that picked up their cross and started following at a young age. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a youth on fire for Christ. God has rooted you right where you are, and that is where you are called to be a disciple (unless he calls you further). That’s where you are called to spread his Word. That’s where you are called to take part in the Great Commission.

For example, Pastor Dave was discipled and taught, and he still has men that disciple him from time to time. But he has been my main teacher. He’s taken me under his wing. Guys, he helped me put this message together. And now, I have the opportunity to pour into you this morning so that you can go learn how to disciple your children, your peers, and your family.

As a church, that is one area we focus on.
Tuesday nights – this church is discipling the women and men’s ministries.
Wednesday nights – this church is discipling the children, youth, and adults.
Thursday morning – this church is discipling in the women’s ministry.
And this morning, this church is discipling you. I encourage you to grow. Get plugged in.

Romans puts it perfectly.

Romans 10:13-15 (NLT)
13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!

Christian in the room, you are saved because you called on the name of the Lord. You believe in Jesus Christ because you heard the Good News. Christian in the room, you heard about Jesus Christ because someone told you about him. Someone told you because they were discipled and sent out. They became the beautiful feet that were obedient in bringing the Good News to you. How awesome how God puts all this together.

The way you take part in the Great Commission is by praying that God gives you an opportunity to share the gospel! And when he does, when he tugs at your heart to GO and share his name, you GO and tell that person that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And if God allows it, take them under your wing – disciple that person to be the next generation that brings glory to the name of Jesus. Awesome!

And what are we called to do with these disciples of all nations? Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Baptism is declaring to the world that God has begun an amazing transformation from within you because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you.

One of my greatest memories I have now as a Believer was when God allowed me to get baptized in my parent’s pool in their backyard three years ago, when literally a year prior, I had snuck a group of friends into that same backyard to get high and drunk while the house was getting renovated.

And it was by God’s faithfulness that a month later, after that night, he saved me here because Grant was faithful to teach that morning. Just like he called my name four years ago here in this church and drew me to himself. It is the same way he seeks after you this morning. He created you; he designed you, and the start of knowing what he created you for is knowing him.

So man, if you’re getting to the end of yourself and are debating whether to accept Jesus as your Savior or not, you should do it! Or if you’ve already asked Jesus as your Lord and Savior, start wrestling with the next step of being obedient in getting baptized. Be a disciple of Jesus Christ, who make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Then Jesus continues to give more instruction for discipleship here in verse 20.

Matthew 28:20 (NLT)
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Church, to get to the point, disciples need to be raised up! There are three people in discipleship: a teacher, a student, and Jesus. A natural part of being a follower of Jesus Christ is to come alongside other believers and disciple them to help them learn more about Jesus, as both of you become more like Christ. If you’re serving anywhere, your goal as a servant is to place yourself in the Body of Christ through discipling, to generationally be able to give glory to God.

Pastor Dave, when he ordained me a few Sundays ago, he went into a vision he had about a kid playing on the floor with some cars in a mobile home or a trailer home. He had a vision. In that vision, he knew that he was getting the church ready for that person. And I asked Pastor Dave, was that kid me, was that someone else – what’s up with that story? In talking with him, our conversation went like this.

That kid isn’t me because this church doesn’t revolve around me. That kid isn’t you because the church doesn’t revolve around you. That kid is a representation that, as a church, we are called to be a disciple that makes disciples ensuring that generationally this church is bringing glory to the name of God. That’s what that vision means.

One of our prayers on Wednesday nights (and I think God is going to continually bless it) is that if God ever allows us to become a youth ministry that is self-focused that he allows us to just stop meeting. I don’t want to run a youth ministry, and I don’t want to be a part of running a church that is so self-focused. I want to be a part of a church and a ministry that its sole purpose is to say, “God, you are great. You are glorious. And let me do what I can to bring you glory.”

We serve the greatest of all Kings who promises at the end of verse 20 that he is always with us. It’s his promise that he’s with us to the end of the age. He’s with us even when we don’t feel qualified enough to be a disciple that makes disciples. Look to be transparent with you guys, in this season of going into full-time ministry, both Ashly and I feel unqualified at times. But I want to assure you, scripture says, that there is nothing that can rip us away from the hand of God. His promises are his promises.

And the reason I say this is because the enemy is going to attack, especially as this church continues to make disciples. And he’s going to attack you personally and relationally. So, rejoice when he does and hold on to the hand of God and his promises

John 10:27-29 (NLT)
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me,
29 for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.

Jesus being with us means we have his provision and protection as we learn to be a disciple that makes disciples until he calls us home.

Jesus being with us means we move in his authority as we learn to be a bold disciple that makes disciples.
Jesus being with us means having his peace as we learn to make disciples.

Church, there is nothing like looking down at your feet and knowing you’re standing right in the center of God’s will for your life.

It’s the name of Jesus Christ. It’s his authority. It’s his building. It’s his people. It’s his disciples. It’s all for his glory. And what I pray for myself is that I continue to choose to bring him glory by learning to be a disciple who makes disciples that make disciples. All for his glory alone.

Will you choose to take part in the Great Commission with us as we learn to be disciples that make disciples? All for what, church? His glory!!!