The Antichrist

Revelation 13:1-9

Message #26

Today, we are going to meet THE Antichrist. Not just AN antichrist, but THE Antichrist.

1 John 2:18 (NLT)
18 . . . You have heard that the Antichrist 
(capital A) is coming, and already many such antichrists (lowercase a) have appeared . . .
Many antichrists (small “a”) have appeared and done great damage to the cause of Christ and to God’s People. But there is a day when THE Antichrist (capital “A”) is going to show up, and that’s who we are talking about today.

  • is the False Christ - the Imitation Christ
  • He is Satan’s version of Jesus Christ
  • He is Empowered and Energized by Satan Himself
  • He will be a great world leader, able to initially bring the world together in peace - economically and politically
  • But ultimately, he will only steal, kill, and destroy - and He will wage WAR against ALL of God’s People
  • He will be Satan’s ultimate attempt to imitate God - and he will get the world to Worship him as an IMITATION Messiah
  • And Satan will give him the False Profit - to perform signs and wonders and seemingly miracles
  • Satan, The Antichrist, and the False Profit
          form the Unholy trinity of the end-times
          as the Demonic IMITATION of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

THAT is who we are talking about today.

For many years, many people have had many guesses about the many possibilities of who could be The Antichrist. And since Revelation was written, a ton of people have made it onto the “possible Antichrist” list, from Nero to the Pope, to Adolf Hitler, to Bono. Most recently, the current shadow President of our country, Barak Hussein, has made the possible Antichrist list, and it seems to me for some pretty good reasons.

But please, let me encourage us all to not play the “Name That Antichrist” game. We don’t have to sensationalize the Bible. The Bible is amazing and supernaturally powerful just as it’s written. We don’t have to add any supermarket tabloid-type facts to it. We don’t need to “dramatize” the Bible. The Bible is perfectly convincing all on its own.

Now, as we take our biblically-based look at the Antichrist, it’s important to remind you of our last message in this series. We could not have adequately discussed the Antichrist without first reviewing Daniel as we did in the last message. And so, if you missed it, I’d encourage you to go back and watch, listen, or read our previous message in the Revelation series called Daniel in Revelation,” which you can find by searching the title on the Word By Mail phone app or at That’s important for you to understand this message.

And so, as we start in Revelation 13, we meet both the Antichrist and the final world-ruling Empire, the Revived Empire, that he will come out of. But first, I have to set the stage for the place where John sees this vision. My last Bible Lands trip was to Greece, thanks to Jennifer Gregston encouraging me to lead a small group of friends there. And one of our favorite stops on that trip was the Island of Patmos where John wrote Revelation. And one of our favorite places on Patmos was where John stood, and specifically wrote the vision he saw here in Revelation Chapter 13.

So, let me read the first sentence of Revelation 13, verse 1 from the New King James Version; then I will show you how we know that we were standing in the same place John was when he saw this vision.

Revelation 13:1 (NKJV)
1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea . . .
(this word for ‘sand’ in the GREEK - is FINE SAND)

That is just too incredible to not point out. The NLT (and other translations) put the shore where John was standing in the previous verse. (That’s why I read the NKJV) and so we start in the NLT with what John sees.

Revelation 13:1 (NLT)
1 Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horns. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God.

The word “beast” in Chapter 13 is used for both the World-Ruling Empire of the End Times and for the Antichrist himself. (That can be a little confusing.) So, we interpret the Bible in context. Verse 1 is referring to the final World-Ruling Empire that the Antichrist will rise out of, and the term “the sea” in Revelation most often refers to what we would call the Sea of Humanity. So, this Beast (meaning the Final Ruling Empire) rises up out of the Sea of Humanity with seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns.

The seven heads have blasphemous names on each of them, representing their blasphemous opposition to God, which we see more and more of in the world, especially in Europe. Revelation Chapter 17 says these seven heads represent “seven hills” where the Great Harlot of Revelation 17 (who is the apostate adulterous church, the Church of the Tribulation) rules, and (not coincidentally) Rome is called the “City of Seven Hills” which is where the Great Harlot will rule from.

And Chapter 17 says the seven heads also represent seven kings from whom the Antichrist will come. And both the horns and the crowns symbolize governmental authority and power. And we’ll see in Revelation 17 that these ten horns and ten crowns are the leaders of this ruling Empire who will give the Antichrist his power and authority. (Satan gives his power to the Empire first; this ruling Empire that Daniel makes perfectly clear is the Revived Roman Empire, and then that Empire gives its power to the Antichrist after he pulls out three horns that obviously stood against him.)

Most Biblical scholars unquestionably say (because of Daniel) this final World-Ruling Empire is certainly the Revived Roman Empire (which was never conquered – you see all of that in the message in Daniel). And for the past sixty years (1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed and went into law or action on January 1, 1958) we’ve been watching this Revived Roman Empire come into being in preparation for this event.

Today, the name of this Revived Roman Empire is now called The European Union. (At the beginning, it was called the European Common Market) It kind of changes daily, but there are twenty-eight countries that are part of the European Union. Today, the connections between the European Union and Biblical prophecies of the End Times. This European Union is so clearly and so obviously the Revived Roman Empire of the Last Days that it is like whoever designed it used the Bible to design it. You would think someone had purposely designed the European Union according to Biblical prophecy.

The European Union is a Federation of Nations (it was ten for a long time) that was initially created for economic strength after WWII. And as we pointed out in the last message, the initial document of this Alliance of Nations was called “The Treaty of Rome,” and we see this Alliance of European Nations right now. And it will birth the final world government, and it will be the platform to launch the Antichrist.

(And when things aren’t sure, I say things like “possibly” or “maybe.” This is so sure it’s absolutely mindboggling.)

I actually have a whole message on the EU, but I’m just going to give you little bits of it. And this isn’t supermarket tabloid stuff. I just want you to see just a few pictures of the foundation of the European Union.

The EU Parliament Building was actually designed to look just like a painting of the unfinished Tower of Babel. It’s a ziggurat. It’s a place of worship to the moon and star gods. It’s also the place where man tried to reach God, really tried to prove they didn’t need God. You can see on the screen is a painting of the Tower of Babel. The EU Parliament building (in Strasbourg, France) was purposely designed to match to match the Tower of Babel. And they used a poster of the Tower of Babel to promote the EU calling it “Many Tongues, One Voice.”

Do you remember why the people were spread from the Tower of Babel? Because they all spoke the same language. And so, God wanted to disperse them. So, this is the opposite of what God wants. The Tower of Babel is the opposite. In the poster, you can see the stars of the original nations over the Tower of Babel. Pretty incredible.

One more picture. This statue is in front of the Parliament Building of the European Union. The combination of the woman and a bull is in everything throughout – they are the symbol of the European Union. This same woman riding a bull is on the Euro, the EU’s currency.

So, who are they? Europe says that this bull is Zeus. Zeus is the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite god Baal. The woman is Europa, who developed in mythology from the Canaanite goddess Astarte (goddess of fertility – the goddess of sex). Astarte and Baal are the goddess and god that continually caused the Israelites to fall away from the True God. Now, this is the symbol of the European Union.

In their charter, it says that the EU will not, in any way, offend their brothers of the Islamic Nations. But it says nothing about offending Christians. I could go on and on. If you look into it, it will blow your mind; it’s unreal.

The connections between the European Union and the Empire of the Antichrist are so many and so clear it seems almost unreal that anyone would so blatantly follow the End Times prophecy.

And so, we see the Antichrist rising to power through the EU, which has been around for sixty years. And honestly, this third term of Obama is just this country pushing this country to be forced to join, ultimately, the EU, maybe first the North American Union and then the EU because of economic collapse. Things are happening in this country with the end goal of bankrupting the country so that we won’t be an economic superpower. And it has to happen. I am not saying give in to it. Fight it. Fight it. But ultimately, we have to submit to the European Union so that the Antichrist can have authority over the world.

Then, in Revelation 13, verse 2, we see more similarities to the Daniel prophecies (from the last message).

Revelation 13:2 (NLT)
2 This beast (speaking of the Ruling Revived Roman Empire) looked like a leopard, but it had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion! And the dragon (obviously Satan) gave the beast his own power and throne and great authority.

Ultimately, that power will be transferred to the Antichrist as the single leader of this Federation of Nations. Which by the way, before (I believe) 1996, the European Union had no position of President. There wasn’t “one person” who led the European Union. But around 1996 or 1998, somewhere in there, they made that position and put a person in there. One day, you’re going to want to note who that person is.

Back in Daniel Chapter 7, we saw the first three World-Ruling Empires described by using these same three animals.

1) In Daniel - The Lion symbolized – Babylon
Ancient Babylon is in IRAQ, 50 Miles from Bagdad

Less than twenty miles from the ancient site of Babylon, is the United States of America’s largest military Embassy. Seven thousand troops and civilians there. Fully self-contained, water and power, and built to withstand quite an attack. (Why is the area of Babylon so important? We’ll get to it.)

2) In Daniel - the Bear symbolized – Persia
IRAN IS ancient Persia, was called Persian until the 1930’s

3) In Daniel - The Leopard symbolized – Greece
Greece had such an influence on ROME that we have the Greco-Roman period in history
(The Leopard coming from the days of Alexander the Great, and his methods. He developed the blitzkrieg; Hitler just stole it from him.)

And so, we have Iraq (Babylon) – We have Iran (Persia) – We have what would become Rome (from the Greco-Roman period), which is the City of Seven Hills where when we get to Revelation 17, we see both the World-Ruling Empire and the Harlot (the false Church). It is so easy to see these three ancient world empires merging in Europe right now.

The growing Arab (and Muslim) immigration there is already beginning to overwhelm Europe.

But there’s one thing this final World Empire will have that no earthly Empire has ever (completely) had yet. The end of verse 2 says, And the dragon gave the beast (that’s the World-Ruling Empire, initially) his own power and throne and great authority.

Now, listen. You can tell – like right now, if you look at the People that God has an unconditional, unchangeable, eternal promise to, you can see people that want to murder them savagely, and I can’t even say the words of what they did. It’s satanic. It’s demonic.

We know the devil has “helped” some empires through the years, especially those who hate Israel and hate Christians – which we so graphically in the world right now. The final World-Ruling Empire will be the devil’s own. He will not just be “a helper.” It will be his Empire. And through it, the worship of Satan on the earth will actually come to pass for a time. This is his only goal. Isaiah 14 makes it clear that his only goal is to be worshiped as God.

So, Satan gives the Empire of the Beast all his own power, his throne, and his great authority on the earth, then that Ruling Empire gives all its power to the Antichrist, probably as the President of this Federation of Nations, and in Revelation 17, this ruling Empire gives all their power to the Antichrist.

And now, Satan, as the imitator of God really gets going.

Revelation 13:3 (NLT)
3 I saw that one of the heads
(leaders) of the beast (the Ruling Empire) seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast. (NOT the empire, but the Antichrist)

At this point, the allegiance is transferring from this Federation of Nations, this Ruling Empire, to one person – and probably because he was raised from the dead. This is the first reference of the Beast here and it is referring to the governmental structure of the End Times. And one head of the governmental structure, Beast is fatally wounded and is resurrected.

The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast.

Meaning the Antichrist who is (or becomes) the sole leader of the World Government Structure (One World Government). And it is very likely that this is how he goes from being A leader in this final World-Ruling Empire to THE leader of the world, of the One World Government and economy, and ultimately religion. This is him.

Personally, I have a hard time thinking this is a real resurrection because Satan doesn’t have that power. So, I think it’s a “David Copperfield” thing. I don’t think this is real, but there are people who think somehow it is real, that the Antichrist is possessed at this point by Satan, and Satan re-animates him or resurrects him, if you will. This may be the moment, and probably, most people think this is the moment that the Antichrist takes sole charge of this World-Ruling Government structure.

John Phillips (who is an awesome commentator) says this:
“With this master stroke of miracle, the devil brings the world to the feet of his messiah . . .”
So, do you follow me so far? There’s a Federation of Nations (Revived Roman Empire), and there are Arab/Islamic nations that are part of it (we see that happening right now) And then there is some type of a fatal wound, and then the Antichrist springs into the front and center picture. The devil is an imitator – he’s not a creator. Here, the devil imitates the resurrection of Jesus Christ with his own ANTIchrist, and it brings the world to worship the resurrected Antichrist. All Satan can do is take what God does and pervert it, meaning spiritually pervert it, reverse it. And now, he’s being worshiped.

Revelation 13:4 (NLT)
4 They
(the world) worshiped the dragon (Satan) for giving the beast such power (the Antichrist), and they also worshiped the beast (the Antichrist). “Who is as great as the beast?” (that’s how we know they are talking about a person and not a Federation of Nations) they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?”

Satan’s ultimate goal is to be like God. And here, he gets the world to worship him directly and worship him through the Antichrist. (just as we worship God and Jesus Christ)

Isaiah 14:12-15 tells us all Satan wants is to be like God, and so, as Jesus Christ is actually God in a human body, the Antichrist is the imitation of Jesus Christ, and so, he is the embodiment of Satan.

And he is also the mouth of Satan, imitating Jesus Christ being the Word of God. John calls Jesus Christ (in John Chapter 1) the LOGOS – the Word. It means the expression of God. God in expression. That is why John uses (in what is translated for us) the Word.

Revelation 13:5 (NLT)
5 Then the beast
(Antichrist) was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. (This is now the Antichrist in control of this final World-Ruling Empire, if it’s pretty clear it is the Revived Roman Empire through the European Union) And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months. (3 1/2 years)

Remember, the Antichrist begins his reign through false peace way back in Revelation 6:2. Well, now we’re in the second half of the Great Tribulation, which means that the Abomination of Desolation is taking place somewhere in this time, where he sets himself up in the Temple that will be rebuilt. He will make sure in his peace treaty with Israel (Daniel explains that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt), and then he will desecrate it and set himself in the Temple to be worshiped. That is all happening right in this time at the halfway point of the Tribulation. And now the Antichrist’s true colors are showing, and it is going to get much worse very fast.

Revelation 13:6–7 (NLT)
6 And he spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and his dwelling—that is, those who dwell in heaven.
7 And the beast
(Antichrist) was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. (that’s the One World ruler coming up from the One World government started by the One World Economy {not just Biblical, it is present-day planned and moving})

The Antichrist has risen to solo world power, and he’s using it first to blaspheme everything there is about God.

And notice he is allowed to make war on the saints (Jewish or Christian) and allowed to conquer them (doesn’t mean completely eliminate them) and allowed to have authority over the ENTIRE WORLD.

And even though the Antichrist is allowed to move the world toward its end, GOD is STILL IN ultimate CONTROL. God is holy, righteous, just and fair, and so he must let sin play out. That’s the final purpose of the Tribulation, and in that, he is drawing his People Israel back to himself. He is NOT forsaking Israel. God is in ultimate control.

And finally, Satan will get a short taste of what he’s wanted since his original rebellion from God.

Revelation 13:8 (NLT)
8 And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast.
(Antichrist as a person) They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made.

For a short time, Satan will get what he wants, which is to be like God. But then, after a short time, Satan will get what he deserves (after a few short years).

And notice, ALL the people who belong to this world (a common phrase in the New Testament for those who are unsaved) will be worshiping the Beast and they are also the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life. (they are on the wrong side) The Book of Life is a book that you definitely want your name in and if you have or will put your full faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, then your name has been written in the Book of Life since before the world was made.

And the more you know about Revelation and the closer we get to these final events, the more you are going to want to make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

And you might say, “I’m not sure if my name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life. How can I know for sure?” I would say to you, have you truly put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior for forgiveness of your sins, and have you truly made him Lord of your life? If you have, then I can absolutely guarantee you on God’s Word that your name is absolutely IN the Lamb’s Book of Life.

When you are knocking on Heaven’s door, that is the only thing you are asking about. When we walk into situations where the physical end is near, there is one subject. Am I going to Heaven? Is this person going to Heaven? That’s it. There’s nothing else being discussed.

And please hear me. Jesus Christ has not written your name in pencil. He has written your name in his own blood, and it will not be erased.

The stage is set today for the Antichrist to begin his rise to World Power. The prophecies of the Bible have been proven in the exact same way.

But listen, please, even if these prophetic truths don’t move you for each of us in this room, the end of this life is coming. Whether it’s in the Rapture or whether it’s just your day, this life is going to end. And when it does, there is only one thing that will matter. Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?? And the only way it gets there is by you putting your full faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

In the end, the ONLY thing that matters is will your name be in the Book of Life when your days here on earth are finished.