Real Earth Real Bodies

Revelation 21:1-5

Message #40

Last week we started studying the subject of Heaven and the subject of Heaven should absolutely captivate the heart of every Christ-follower. AND the subject of Heaven should be throughly and honestly considered by every non-believer.

In our first message on Heaven, I did my best to get us thinking about just one truth. Heaven is real - it is very real! And in that message we talked a lot about summary truths and general statements about Heaven. And I did that to try to get us to adjust some of our assumptions and possibly our MIS-conceptions about Heaven.

So today, I want to start backing up and clarifying some of the truths we introduced last week. And yes, we are still studying Revelation Chapters 21 and 22, and my desire is for us to leave these last two chapters of the Bible excited and passionate about the reality of Heaven!

Complete transcript to follow . . .