Good News For All Nations

Acts 13:47

Message #14

We’re still following Multiply by Francis Chan. Our desire is to give you another resource to go along with this book, and more importantly, our desire is to give you a better understanding of God’s Single Plan of Redemption: Genesis to Revelation.

We’ve followed God’s plan in the New Testament for just four messages so far.

Jesus The Messiah – The Culmination of God’s Plan
The Great Commission – The Final Marching Orders from our Lord
The Spirit of God – Our Only Hope to Follow Jesus
The Early Church – How Jesus Designed his Body to Look

And that takes us perfectly to today, Good News For All Nations.

Now, we studied The Great Commission hard, just three weeks ago. But today, the call is to expand our view to the ends of the earth. In the Great Commission message, we talked about making Disciples as you go – whether to Africa – to work – to home. AS we are going, we are called to be making Disciples. But that “as you are going” doesn’t mean making Disciples is a secondary purpose in our salvation. ACTUALLY, making Disciples of all nations to the end of the earth is the primary purpose of the Body of Christ.

One of the greatest tragedies that occur in the Church so often is when a person gets saved, and they think “That’s it.” “I’m in. I’m good to go. Now, let’s see what else God can do for me.”

The truth is, we have a bit of a self-centered view of salvation. We were told God loves US (and that’s true). We were told Jesus died for us to pay for our sin and that he has reserved a place for US, and an inheritance for US – and often we’re told all those things before we get saved, and they are all absolutely true.

But too often, we surrender our life to Christ, we receive all those miraculous, eternal benefits of our salvation, and then we go on about our business, assuming (to a large extent) that God is primarily concerned about OUR well-being. And maybe it’s because we’ve never heard the rest of the story. Maybe we’ve never heard the greatest blessing is to be used by God for his grand eternal purpose – while we’re still here. Today we want to see more (bigger picture) of why Jesus saved us and why he made us to be a functioning part of his Body on earth.

Many Christians struggle to understand equally both:
1). You were saved personally because God loves you AND
2). You were saved to be a functioning part of the Body of Christ to take part in God’s plan and purpose in this world.

In regard to this, Francis Chan, in his book Multiply:

Francis Chan: God worked in your individual heart to give you new life, but salvation is not about your making it to heaven as an individual. Jesus saves us as individuals to place us within a body - the Church. In reality, Jesus is the Savior of the Church. He died to create a people who together love and worship Him and fulfill His purposes in the world.

Jesus died to create a people who:
Together – love and worship him and
Together – Fulfill HIS purposes in the world

We looked last week at the example of how the early Body of Christ functioned together.
1). They were devoted to the Apostle’s teaching
2). They were devoted to Koinonia (fellowship)
3). They were devoted to Communion
4). They were devoted to prayer

In addition, they were united.
They were radical givers
They attended church and home fellowships
They had glad and generous hearts

But… what was their purpose??? What was the Church miraculously formed for?

Three weeks ago we looked in-depth at the Great Commission, and we know the Great Commission is the answer to the question, “What is the purpose of the Body of Christ?” Right?

The Body of Christ was created
1). To love and glorify God
2). To make Disciples of all nations

Our focus today is the “of all nations” part. The Bible repeatedly calls the Body of Christ to be making Disciples to the ends of the earth. And many Christians would agree with that statement but not think that it’s actually addressing them – personally. It’s common for us to feel like, “Well, yeah. Sure. That’s somebody’s job; somebody has to be concerned about that. But… it’s definitely not me.”

Here’s the problem… consider your own physical body. If your head said to your body, “Walk north,” and you have one leg that says, “That’s fine with me, but I’m going to walk south,” things aren’t going to go well.

The purpose of your body is to carry out the instructions of your head.

When you’re healthy, your head says, “Do this,” and your body does it. And when your body refuses to take direction from your head, you can end up in a very serious and critical condition.

Jesus Christ is the Head – we are his Body. Our purpose is to carry out his instruction and his direction, and the instruction and direction of the Head is for the Body to go into all the world to seek and save the lost. To GO and make Disciples of all nations, to take the GOOD NEWS of Jesus to the ends of the earth. To be CONSUMED with the purpose of the Head, which is the salvation of the lost.
Can we really say, Yes, we are part of the Body of Christ, but no, we are not called to be part of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth?

First, we have to get it clear in our minds what instruction the head has given the body. Jesus is the Head, and his purpose must set the direction of his Body just like your head must set the direction of your body.

And the Head of the Body of Christ has only one plan, one purpose, from Genesis to Revelation. Five times in Genesis, God made a unilateral promise to Abraham. Genesis 12:3; Genesis 18:18; Genesis 22:18; Genesis 26:4; Genesis 28:14. Five times God promised Abraham, “In you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”

In Isaiah 49, verse 6, God says,

Isaiah 49:6 (ESV)
6 . . . I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”

God’s clear, single purpose that his salvation would reach the ends of the earth is consistent all through the Bible. From Genesis through Isaiah (and every other Old Testament book) into the Gospels, and especially into Acts and beyond to Revelation. In Acts, Paul and Barnabas quoted this same verse from Isaiah.

Acts 13:47 (ESV)
47 For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles
(Literally – Nations), that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”
And that is exactly what Acts, and the rest of the New Testament is all about. It’s about the Church bringing God’s plan of salvation to the ends of the earth. That was the purpose of the Church the very day God created it, and that is the purpose of the Church today. And since there was no chance of us ever doing that on our own, Jesus promises us in Acts 1 verse 8,

Acts 1:8 (ESV)
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

It’s that phrase to the end of the earth that we really want to “wrestle with” today. The very clear instruction and direction of the Body’s Head is to take the Gospel message to the end of the earth.

Jesus died for you; personally, he saved you personally. The benefits and blessings of your salvation in Christ are indescribable and eternal, and personal. But his plan and his purpose is for you to be a functioning part of his Body, and a functioning part of his Body means you take part in carrying out the instructions and direction of the Head. That’s true in your physical body and true in the Body of Christ. Let’s be reminded of how true this is. Turn to 1 Corinthians 12. I’m going to skim through the “One Body” section – verses 12-31, and you can study the entire section at home, ok?

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 (ESV)
12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
(we, all together, make up One Body)
. . .
14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many.
. . .
18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.
(He placed where HE wanted)
19 If all were a single member, where would the body be?
20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
. . .
26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.
27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

We are the Body, and Jesus Christ is our Head, and the Head has given the Body instruction – GO make Disciples of all nations – to the end of the earth. That is the instruction from the Head to every functioning part of the Body – every member.

So, how do we each do that? How can we be a functioning part of the Body whose Head has sent the instruction? Take the Gospel to the ends of the earth and Make Disciples of all nations…(how do we become part?)

Well, first, we must accept the instruction – personally. We must receive the direction from the Head – personally. We must make the Great Commission just as personal as we made our salvation. We must accept that this direction from the Head of the Body includes us – personally! And then, we can begin to search how God has made us to fit together in the Body to accomplish his purpose. Fortunately, in our physical body, every part generally knows what its role is, what it’s supposed to be doing. In the Body of Christ – not so much.

And here is how we do it – please listen carefully. We must seek to know Jesus better and better – first and foremost, developing our relationship with him.

And AS we present our lives to God – as Romans 12:1 says – AS we’re transformed by the renewing of our mind – Romans 12:2 – THEN we will be able to discern God’s will – Romans 12:2.

Let’s turn over to Romans 12.

Romans 12:1 (ESV)
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

That is Step 1 – That is actually HOW we begin to know what our role is in God’s plan.

Romans 12:2 (ESV)
2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
(That’s Step 2), (and then) that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Listen, please don’t go buy a plane ticket to Zimbabwe tonight.

First, learn to present your entire life as a living sacrifice to God
Then, be transformed by the renewal of your mind
Then, you’ll know where God has made you to fit

Really, honestly, truly, the number one most important step to knowing what role God has made you for in his Body… is to KNOW HIM!! Know him first, and then you’ll know what he’s made you to be.

And if we’ll just keep reading in Romans 12, there are wonderful verses.

Romans 12:3–8 (ESV)
3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.
(God assigns, God decides, He’s the Head)
4 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function,
5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
(Same as 1 Corinthians 12)
6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them
(There’s the KEY - Let us USE THEM): if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;
7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching;
8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Listen to me, please. There is one Head – Christ. There is one Body – the Church. The Head has given the Body a single command – Make Disciples of all nations to the ends of the earth, and the Body must move in unison to accomplish the command given by the Head. That is the only way a healthy Body functions.

Head sends a command
Body responds in unison to accomplish the command.

That’s the way a physical body is designed to function
That’s the way the Body of Christ is designed to function

Do we all have to go – physically? NO
Do we all have to do something? YES

WHAT is your part?

Some of you PRAY. Some of you GO.
Some of you SEND. Some of you EQUIP.
Some of you SUPPORT. Some of you SERVE.
Some of you EXHORT. Some of you GIVE.
Some of you LEAD. Some of you LOVE.

But we’ve got to lift our eyes up. We’ve got to look toward all the nations of the world. We’ve got to look toward the ends of the earth.

I know I said before we’ve got to make Disciples where we are at. But to really respond to the command of the Head, to really be a part of the healthy Body of Christ, we have got to look to all the nations of the world. We have got to look to the ends of the earth.

Allow me to just review how I see us here in Nuevo being part of this all nations to the ends of the earth command.

1). Over the years, we have done a ton of work and invested a ton of money in making Disciples in San Vincente, Mexico.

Many of you have gone, worked, given, supported, prayed for, prepared for, encouraged, exhorted, led, and loved – and God has used this Body in Mexico to do great work.

2). In just a quick calculation, I know we’ve invested around $100,000 making Disciples in Africa.

We’ve gone, we’ve sent, we’ve supported, we’ve prayed, we’ve trained, we’ve encouraged, and for the past eight or nine months, we’ve actually been working on a new phase of our involvement in making Disciples in Africa.

3). We have sent out and given away well over 400,000 Bible teaching messages on CD, with almost every one of those messages ending with an invitation to receive Christ.

Honestly, most of our people here don’t really understand how much real, measurable fruit God is bringing through Word By Mail, not to mention the impact we can’t measure. In your bulletin today is this month’s Word By Mail newsletter, and it explains how this year alone – 2013 – over 50,000 Bible messages will go out from this little church due to the astounding growth of the Word By Mail phone app.

And since we began Word By Mail, there have always been critics saying why should we be sending teaching all over the world – why don’t we spend time and effort right here in Nuevo. My answer is we do spend all that time and effort here in Nuevo.

Some in the Body minister here in Nuevo.
Some in the Body minister in Mexico.
Some in the Body minister in Africa
Some in the Body minister to the ends of the earth with Word By Mail

Hey – wait a minute – that’s exactly what the Body would look like when it’s functioning well.

We will be his witnesses in our Jerusalem (Nuevo)
In our Judea and Samaria (Mexico) and
To the ends of the earth (Africa and Word By mail)

That is what Jesus said would happen in Acts 1:8, and I promise you that is what is happening here.

The question is how can you be a part? How can you function in your rule in the Body? The sky is the limit – there is no pigeonhole. My purpose today is to encourage you to think about it – wrestle with it…

First, know Jesus better and better and be transformed more and more until you say, hey. I’m an active, functioning, fruitful part of the Body of Christ, and my eyes and my heart are set on sharing the Gospel and making Disciples – right next door and to the ends of the earth.

We have been redeemed to be part of God’s plan to save those who are lost, next door and around the world.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:16 ESV)

God so loved the world that he provided the only way of salvation, and then he created us AS his Body to take that message to the ends of the earth. That is God’s plan for US as the Church.

Let’s have the courage to ask ourselves if we are functioning as part of that plan, and if not, how can we be transformed enough so that we can be.